Orange & Ivy Design

As someone who's spent a lifetime struggling with anxiety, I know how hard it can be to find light in the darkness of our own minds. Growing up, I found ways to cope. I created art, wrote stories, and collected MANY helpful/inspirational quotes that applied to my situation and/or made me feel better, in one way or another. Those words became reminders of comfort, inspiration, even motivation when I needed it.

As an adult, I've continued my quote-collecting habit but with a decidedly more "mental health-related" bent, and one day it occurred to me that if I displayed some of these quotes on a wall or in a frame someplace, those wonderful words might be a LOT easier to keep in mind on a day-to-day basis.

So here I am, returning to my digital art roots and putting some of my favorite quotes, phrases and (hopefully) helpful reminders out into the world for everyone else to share.

I hope there's something here that might help to light YOUR way in the dark - or someone else's - whenever you might need it.

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